C'mon Now
C'mon Now MMA Podcast
C'mon Now MMA Podcast for March 5, 2020

C'mon Now MMA Podcast for March 5, 2020

Well, it’s episode three of the C’mon Now podcast and I think I’m getting a bit more comfortable with this process. Anyway the topics for today are Daniel Cormier, Felicia Spencer, Tony Ferguson, Abdul Razak Alhassan and ESPN MMA. Give it a listen.

Again, if you have any questions for me, feel free to ask and I’ll try to cover them here. Same with any topics you want me to discuss on the podcast.

Hopefully, I’ll be back Friday.

Please share this. Also, still waiting for iTunes to approve the podcast. Sorry for the delay there.


C'mon Now
C'mon Now MMA Podcast
Daily MMA podcast with a focus on the UFC and its business