Thank you for even bringing it up!!

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I grew up in the 80s. I’m sure I used such language then out of ignorance. I’ve now grown up. Looks like Bisping hasn’t yet.

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He's 44 and still talking like he's 14. That's alarming, especially since he has kids.

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I remember in 2011 or so, getting into arguments in the mma space over this, with early Rogan and Dana scandals right. My analysis then was "Idk, this is how people talk, its cage fighting and its not an overly big deal" because there's nuances in vernacular usage that separate from truly homophobic slurs.

Then I became sort of a woke shit over the years and lost any sort of class analysis. Began hyper policing people over "migro aggressions" and whatever.

But now looking back nah I'm going say nah, fuck all this.

We're in the smoldering ashes of Bloody Elbow. Obsessive hyper focus on fake social issues taken in deliberate bad faith by liberals has cost fighters.

We know, absolutely, that bisping wasn't actually being homophobic. Its not the actual same. And I'm gonna say this further, if we're too dumb to grasp linguistic nuance, or if we wanna argue language is all normative and the same, we're probably too fuckin dumb to be speaking on social issues.

Bloody Elbow's grave is being danced on because of woke dipshittery, despite the actually amazing adversarial reporting of Nash and Karim. Petty shitliberialism ruins quality journalism and destroys left wing solidarity.

So, my initial assessment when I was young was more correct and this whole article is kinda gay

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